What Genres Will You Learn?
While we consider ourselves classical musicians, and as such, take a classical approach to teaching the essential elements of music, we also enjoy working with students on the music they want to play – our lessons will equip you to pursue jazz, rock, pop, Broadway, or any other genre. We will focus on reading, theory (learning chords, modes, etc.), and ear training, and as a result, you will be able to read off lead sheets, improvise, and do what you want as a pianist or singer! When you apply for lessons, please let us know if you have a specific genre in mind — we can work together to create an ideal learning plan for you.
Searching for “Piano Lessons Near Me” in West Chester?
My piano studio is located in the West Chester borough at 705 E. Nields Street. You can reach my studio with a 10 minute drive from Exton, or you can walk if you live near downtown West Chester. I’m very close to Henderson High School and not far from East High School. If you need any help locating me, I’d be happy to help you sign up for piano lessons in West Chester, PA – just get in touch at your earliest convenience.
Florence Phillips Music Studio
705 E Nields Street
West Chester, PA 19382
Email: florencephillipsmusic@gmail.com
Phone: (215) 995-5115